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Seasons and Cycles

Spring in the Montessori Classroom

October 1, 2024


Ustadha Nazreen reflects on the study of Spring in the Children's House.

The season of spring is characterised by a renewal of life, marking the awakening of the natural world from its winter slumber. This period is associated with the emergence of vibrant colours and scents, creating a rich tapestry of sensory experiences. The visual descriptions of spring are a feast for the eyes, representing a jubilant celebration of nature’s artistry. The season beckons us to open our eyes wide and behold the intricate, awe-inspiring beauty that unfurls with every passing day. Furthermore, it provides affirmation and prompts deep contemplation about the power and beauty of Allah's creation.

The changing landscape of spring represents a magnificent phenomenon within the natural world, serving as a compelling testament to the Earth's enduring cyclical process of renewal. It serves as a poignant reminder that each season presents a unique opportunity for transformation and growth.

The Montessori approach to education is grounded in an appreciation for the natural world and a commitment to environmental stewardship. The Montessori philosophy is informed by an inherent order, harmony, and beauty in nature.

“There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature; to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature” (Maria Montessori). Thus, the natural environment provides a multitude of opportunities for the nurturing of a child’s cognitive, physical, and emotional growth and development.

To initiate our topic, we encouraged the children to embark on a nature walk and gather items to be displayed on our nature table. The children demonstrated great enthusiasm in showcasing their findings and sharing them with their peers, which fostered a collaborative spirit. They then assisted in setting up the nature table together, which not only developed their observational skills but also enhanced their vocabulary. This hands-on experience engaged the children's senses, providing a unique opportunity for learning.

Children learn that everything around them is living, flourishing, progressing from one stage to another, and coexisting in harmony. They interact with the land, which is a living entity, and as a result, they begin to observe more closely. Children are excellent at observing and absorbing information. Nature presents ways to follow a child’s interest and boosts curiosity. To further enhance their environmental awareness, the children engaged in a botanical study, encompassing an in-depth examination of plant anatomy. They delved into the intricacies of plant structure, encompassing the study of roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. The process of waiting for seeds to germinate and grow into plants fosters patience and responsibility in young children. It allows them to observe and participate in the transformation of seeds into food or plants, instilling a deep appreciation and further understanding of the natural world.

It is part of our role as educators and parents to facilitate the child's exploration of the biological aspects of their surrounding environment. To facilitate their growth and comprehension of the world in which the live in. The objective is to instil in the child an understanding of their duty and the significance of environmental stewardship. This is in alignment with the concept of Khalifatul Ardh, which encompasses the role of a steward and caretaker of the Earth. The children were taught about the importance of plant care through the medium of watering the plants. In addition to their other duties, they were responsible for monitoring the leaves and soil of the plant, ensuring that it received an adequate amount of light and water.

The natural world also provides a rich source of inspiration for creativity. It is possible to utilise the tangible elements of nature to create artwork. The children participated in a diverse range of activities, including printing with leaves, making blossom trees using tissue paper and painting sunflowers. This enables them to engage in exploration and play with an expansive array of diverse media and materials.

To conclude, the term was a remarkable one in which the students had the opportunity to engage deeply with the natural world. It is our hope that this engagement will lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world in sha Allah.